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Aquagranda Wellness Aperitif | Carnival Night

Password… ALL DRESSED-UP also in Wellness&Relax!

Colours, magic, music, fun and why not… even dressing up!  Yes, because from 19.30, for those who want to, you can access the Wellness&Relax area just MASKED For an evening, where you can feel like a kid again, relax your body and mind and then … at Carnival, everything goes!


from 19.30 entrance in Wellness&Relax Dressed-up

20.00 Mask parade and Carnival Party for everyone

from 20.00 Live Music by Teo

22.30 Award ceremony for the most beautiful Mask

Rituals Program

14.00 Aufguss in the sauna

15.00 Scrub in the Turkish bath

16.00 Aufguss in the sauna

17.30 Hot sauna

19.00 Scub in the Turkish bath

21.30 Hot sauna show

23.00 Aufguss in the sauna

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